Alumni Testimonials


“很难说清我在学院的那段时间对塑造我这个人以及我所做的决定有多么深刻的影响. The education I received was spectacular, 学院的教授们给了我在政治科学领域独特而密集的学习经历, history, and the humanities, for which I am incredibly grateful. However, 我更感谢学院帮助我培养的批判性思维和解决问题的能力. 教授们不断地让我知道我相信什么,也让我能够为自己的信仰辩护, and I relied on those skills constantly throughout law school. 学院给了我继续挑战的耐力和信心,让我知道我完全有能力应对任何挑战.”

Andrea Dale Huffman, Class of 2007, Youth Minister

“When I think back about the time I spent at Howard Payne, I realize that I cannot separate it from my involvement in the Academy. Some of my fondest memories, toughest assignments, and most rewarding struggles came from my experiences in the Academy, 我知道,如果我没有参加荣誉项目,我在ebet真人娱乐厅的时光就不会如此充实. More valuable even than the memories and the triumphs, however, was the education that I received from the Academy. I recently started graduate school, 尽管未来的日子将会很艰难,但我知道我已经做好充分准备,有能力面对可能出现的任何挑战. The professors in the Academy not only gave me an invaluable education, but they also taught me how to seek out knowledge, learn things for myself, and never settle for less than my best effort. 学院不仅教会了我在研究生院茁壮成长所需的技能, but it also gave me the confidence to pursue my dreams.”


“In my view, excellence and the Academy are synonymous. There is simply no way to separate the two. Excellence is what you will experience from the faculty and staff, and it is what will be expected from you as a student. There is no better way to prepare yourself for a career in any field, 在任何研究生领域学习的时间都比在学院这样的机构学习的时间长. This is because Academy students do not simply learn to read and write, but to think for themselves by developing arguments, analyzing issues, and discovering solutions. 这些工具是无价的,为我毕业后的工作做好了准备. 正是学院教师的工作激励着我继续学习, whether in the classroom or not. For me, 这种灵感让我获得了在德克萨斯大学法学院学习的奖学金, where I will complete my J.D. in 2015. 如果没有我在学院的时间,我现在的学习是不可能的. 虽然我现在学校的校训是“从这里开始改变世界”,” for me, things started in the halls of the Academy, in the offices of my professors, and at competitions with the HPU moot court team. 从这一刻起,我所取得的任何成功无疑都归功于我在学院的时光, and I will always be proud to have graduated from such an amazing program.”

Denise Venable Kinsfather, Class of 2001, English Teacher at Splendora ISD

“Howard Payne University and the Guy D. 纽曼荣誉学院是一个环境,让所有年龄段的学生在精神上和精神上装备,使在当今世界的差异. Modeling Christ’s leadership through service, 教授们对他们的学生和学科表现出真正的同情心和奉献精神. 你找不到任何一个地方的教授在学生的教育和成功上投入如此多的爱和精力. 更不用说学术上的挑战了,学院追求,特别是追求Dr. 纽曼的梦想是培养出坚强的基督徒,成为美国社会民主理想的典范, affected the way I live my life and the way I teach my students. As a young student entering college, I had the desire to make a difference but was unsure of how to do that. 我所受的教育告诉我,性格是由我们每天所做的选择形成的. I can make a difference when I honor God with; the quality of my work, with the compassion I offer and the discipline I carry out in my classroom, 通过树立个人责任感的榜样,并要求我的学生也这样做, 通过促进对学习过程及其对维护强大民主的重要性的讨论, and by simply loving and encouraging the people around me. 霍华德佩恩是一个每天都在实践这些原则的地方.”


“The Academy was—in every way—my ticket to pursuing my dream job. 密集的学术训练为我在政治传播领域的成功生涯奠定了基础, 我将继续依靠我在目前与来自全国各地的高层商业和政治领导人的互动中学到的东西. 学院为我在世界市场上取得成功提供了所有正确的联系, 通过建立智力和领导能力的基础,使我从我所在领域的其他毕业生中脱颖而出, 所有这些都是基于犹太教和基督教的价值观,这些价值观使我在旅途中保持忠诚.”

Pat Long Weaver, Class of 1982, Attorney and Partner, Burleson LLP

“I had a lifelong dream of becoming a trial attorney, but without the support and education I received at the Academy, it would have been just that, a dream. I have been able to realize my goals, and am now thrilled to see other students being given the same opportunity.”

Guy Ben Garner III, Class of 1974, Attorney in Arlington

“我认为我在奥斯卡的经历是我一生中最重要的事件之一, and one I will always deeply cherish. In a very real sense, my Academy education, 我与老师和同学的互动为我接下来的每一件重要的生活事件奠定了基础. My Academy experience taught me the importance of leadership, teamwork, citizenship, and the love and necessity of ongoing learning. 从法学院毕业后,我在贝勒法学院待了一段时间,我清楚地记得,我得出的结论是,我的大学教育是首屈一指的. Period.”

Ed Daniel, 1966届毕业生,Wells Fargo Advisors副总裁兼投资财务顾问

“学院为我完成了两件大事,这对我毕业后很有帮助. It taught me to communicate, and it taught me to think on my feet. If you were to boil a college education down to its essence, 我相信这两种能力将学院的毕业生与其他人区分开来.”

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